“Wu Qi Nei Qong Acupuncture, located in Lyon, France, is an acupuncture clinic where Man Yan Hor has devoted 25 years to practicing traditional Chinese acupuncture. He underwent extensive training, spending six years learning acupuncture techniques from renowned French instructors such as Jean-Louis Blard, Jean-Marc Eyssalet, and Alain Péronnel. Man Yan Hor's initial education in China was further enriched by pursuing a French Master's in acupuncture in the Western context. Specializing in traditional acupuncture, Man Yan Hor conducts classic sessions to address a range of health concerns, including stress, depression, and both acute and chronic pain. His expertise encompasses providing comprehensive care for stress, depression, and various forms of pain. In addition to his Lyon clinic, Man Yan Hor also practices at 24 bis rue de l'abbé Grégoire, 75006 Paris. The clinic maintains a clean environment, strictly adhering to safety standards for the benefit of its patients.
• They Provide Traditional Shiastu Massage.”
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