“Barberousse Grenoble, renowned as one of the best bars in Grenoble, embodies a unique and themed concept specializing in rum. Founded by Claude Matencio in 1997, the first Barberousse shooter bar, located in Grenoble's antiques district, quickly gained popularity for its festive ambiance. Expanding on their success, a second establishment was inaugurated in Montpellier three years later, solidifying Barberousse's status as a reference among themed bars. Driven by the desire to share their concept, Barberousse embraced brand licensing in 2003, paving the way for entrepreneurs across the nation to open their own themed bars. Today, Barberousse is the premier bar partnership with a musical atmosphere, specializing in rum. With 16 establishments across the national territory and one in Lausanne, each licensee operates independently, benefiting from a strong and original concept that aligns with sector expectations. Aspiring managers can join the festive and attractive Barberousse community without entry fees or advertising expenses, making it a distinctive and enticing venture in the world of themed bars.
• Themed Excellence
• Festive Ambiance.”
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